Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday School and Small Group

I found the Sunday School book we were interested in on Amazon for $11.66 (free shipping).  It's called God's Promises That Keep Us by J. Ellsworth Kalas.  I really think we will like it.  I will have Kurt check with Linda to see if we can purchase a class set with Sunday School Money.  I think other classes would enjoy this study, too.  It will help us study/memorize scripture, plus there are personal stories to make things easier to relate to and questions for reflection.  It was written to provide encouragement in daily living.

Also, for anyone who wasn't at SS this morning, we would like to start a small group study on parenting.  Here are the details we came up with:
  • meet second Saturday of each month - to start in January
  • 7:30-8:30 ish or later if you factor in fellowship afterwards
  • volunteers to bring snacks/drinks
  • meet at church (possibly fellowship hall??)
  • open to any one who is a parent, grandparent, or would like to be a parent someday.
  • Study Material = Born to Be a Blessing:  A Parent's Guide to Raising Christian Children by Mrytle E. Felkner
  • I'm guessing each person/couple would purchase thier own book ($11.90 on Amazon + free shipping with orders over $25)
  • We still need to get this approved with Larry &  ask about using the church on a monthly basis
  • We talked about doing babysitting at the church, but voted against it.  We would like a hassle free night for parents to fellowship and study together.  It was also suggested that parents could split up and take turns staying home with kiddos each month, or find a babysitter if both want to attend.
  • If we get a large number, we could always break off into small groups for the discussion. 
If anyone has other details that we should discuss, please post or write them down.  This is still early in the making, so things can be changed. 

Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


my friend michelle had surgery today to remove the ovarian cyst .. all i've heard is that it went better than expected .. please pray for her and the baby's recovery!!